Helicopter weighing scales, for all your rotary wing needs.

Helicopter scales, helicopter weighing equipment and helicopter scale kits for sale

Our wireless HH2400-3-5CS and M2400-4-10CS are here!
Our HH2400 series indicator uses 2.4 Ghz transmission, has excellent range and is so easy to use.
Shown here our M2400-4-10CS wireless kit pack up.
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The standard M2000-3-10CS wired system with 50 ft cables.
Top of jack mount, up to 10,000 lb per point
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Above find our M2000-3-10BS which is our box set . Note the user has Meyers Hydraulic jacks which have our top of jack adapters installed on. We offer a full line of top of jack adapters for your jack needs. PLEASE NOTE: We have discontinued the "BS" Box Set as shown and now have replaced it with our HH2400 system.
Check your jack for the mounting hole. A 1 inch hole is standard, you may have to remove your ram tube and flip it over and check for the hole.
Our adapters are heavy duty and fit on all the popular size jack ram tops, we have two sizes and can customer manufacture adapters for your requirements.